Chairperson: Taha Hussein Musa, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Selected papers

Tauseef Ahmad, Taha H. Musa, Hui Jin. Rabies in Asian Countries: Where we are stand? Biomed. Res. 2018; 5(10), 5(10), 2719-2720.

Guoping D, Xiaoshan L, Taha H. Musa, Yu J, Bo W, Yan H, Qian N, Ling S, Wei L, and You G. The Nationwide Distribution and Trends of Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes in Mainland China. Journal of Medical Virology, 2019. 91(3):401-410.

Taha H. Musa, Wei L, Xiaoshan L, Wei W, Wonmongo L, Rong G, Yue S, Yan H, Lei H, Hassan H. Musa, Pingmin W. Prevalence of dental caries profile in children and adolescents in rural Jiangsu Province. Archives of disease in childhood (2018): archdischild-2018.

Taha H. Musa, Wei L, Wenjuan Y, Yan G, Xiaoshan L, Hassan H. Musa, Lovel F, YuePu Y, Pingmin W. Association between the effects of body mass index on lung volumes among students in Jiangsu Province. Pol Ann Med. 2018,25(2):190-195.

Taha H. Musa, Rehab I. Kambo, Abdelkareem A. Ahmed, and Hassan H. Musa. Epidemiology of Measles Cases in South Darfur State, Sudan, 2011-2015. Biomed Environ Sci, 2017, 30(12): 917-921.

Xiaoshan Li, Kexin Z, Yile X, Feiran W, Rong G, Ralf D, Kun F, Wei L, Yue S, Guoping D, Wenjuan Y, Taha H. Musa, You G, Yu J, Ping Z, Pingmin W. Multiple Introductions and Onward Transmission of HIV-1 Subtype B. Journal of Infection. 2017;75(2):160-168.

Xiaoshan L, Kexin Z, Wei L, Kun F, Taha H. Musa, Yue S, Guoping D, Rong G, Yan G, Wenjuan Y, Yang X, Ping Z, Pingmin W. Coreceptor usage of Chinese HIV-1 and impact of X4/DM transmission clusters among recently infected men who have sex with men. Medicine. 2016, 95(39):e5017.

Taha H. Musa, WEI L, Xiao Shan L, PU, Ping Min W. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Students Aged 7–22 Years in Jiangsu Province, China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2016; 10: 697-705

Pingmin W, Wei Li, Hairong Z, Michael C, Yan G, Yang X, Taha H. Musa, Pengfei Luo. Epidemiological and Molecular Characteristics of the PB1-F2 Proteins in H7N9 Influenza Viruses, Jiangsu. BioMed Research International,2015,804731, 8.


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