Chairperson: Hassan Hussein Musa, PhD



Tel: 00249-906547116


Member: Abdelaziz Adam Idriss

Assistant Professor


Selected papers


Hassan H. Musa, et al. Genomic diversity and adaptation of indigenous zebu cattle from Sudan. Frontiers in Genetics, 2018. Submitted

Hassan H. Musa, Abdelkareem A. Ahmed, Taha H. Musa, Jafaar S. Fedail. Gum arabic down regulates PPAR-g and SCD mRNA expression in mice. Polish Annals Med. 2015 (22):11-17.

Muzamil M. Abdel Hamid, Safa Ahmed, Awatif Salah, Etayeb M. A. Tyrab, Lemya M. Yahia, Elbagire A. Elbashir, Hassan H. Musa. Association of lipoprotein lipase gene with coronary heart disease in Sudanese population. J Epidem. Global Health. 2015, (5): 405- 407

Hassan H. Musa, Tyrab EM, Muzamil M. AbdelHamid, Elbagire A. Elbashir, Lemya M. Yahi and Nihad M. Salih. Charcterization of lipid profile in coronary heart disease patients in Sudan. Indian heart Journal, 2013, 65:232-233.

Wei Sun, Hong Chang, Yuehui Ma, Kenji Tsunoda, Zhangping Yang, Hassan H. Musa. The phylogenetic system survey of native sheep breeds in the Eastern and Southern Central Asia. Anim. Breed. Genet., 2010, 127(4): 308-17.

Sun, W., Chang, H., Yang, Z. P., Geng, R. Q., Tsunoda, K. J., Ren, Z.J., Chen, H.Y., Musa, H. H. Analysis on the origin and phylogenetic status of Tong sheep using 12 blood protein and non-protein markers. J. Genet. Genomics 2007, 34(12):1097-1105.


Current project

Genome diversity and adaptation for Sudanese Livestock Breeds (Cattle, Sheep, Goat & Camel)

Risk factor of Cardio-metabolic Disease in Sudan (Coronary Artery Diseases & Stroke)

Epidemiological and Molecular Studies of Sickle Cell Anemia in Sudan.

Related Projects